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Lesson 2: Design Thinking




What skills should a good engineer have?  How are these qualities similar or different to those of a designer?  Click on the start button to begin the slideshow.  As you view each image, think about who created the item and discuss the rationale for your opinion.

Engineering + Design = Design Thinking


Design Thinking is an iterative process that seeks to identify and solve complex problems by approaching them from the user's perspective. 


Coming up with an idea is easy. Coming up with the right one takes work.

With design thinking, throwing out what you think you know and

starting from scratch opens up all kinds of possibilities.

design thinking.PNG

Design Thinking is a process.  Each part of the process reveals information about the problem and possible solutions.


Design Thinking is iterative. Engineers go through the process several times, and steps can be completed in different sequences to find the best possible solution


Design Thinking is problem-solving. It has a problem that is specific. The goal is always to solve a problem.


Design Thinking is finding the best solution.  Evaluating solutions is an important part of the process. Each has different strengths and weaknesses and must work with constraints of time, cost, and resources. 

Task 1: Design Thinking in Real Life

Let's Look at  a REAL Example of Design Thinking

In order to really understand the design thinking process, let's take a look at how InkSmith, a Canadian manufacturer of technology focused educational products for kids, applied the principles in responding to the Covid 19 pandemic.


As you go through the presentation, use the Lesson 2 Design Thinking in Real Life organizer to summarize the events at each stage of the engineering design process.


Reflection:  Why did the designers go back to the drawing board after they completed a successful project?  What was the ultimate outcome for the user?  How did their work with this project change the company?

Extension Activity

Play the InVenture Game!

Teachers:  Download game materials Pacing Guide.
Share Google Slides with students for directions on how to play the game.

Add to your Problem Log

Be prepared to share at least 7 problems at our next class.


Complete the Design Thinking in Real Life organizer.


Read 3 Articles:  Check out the many ways design engineers are changing our world for the better.  Click on the image or title to open.

Articles courtesy of 






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